Nicotine chewing gum

You want to quit smoking but you don’t quite know how to do it. Do you recognise yourself in this description? Then you are not alone! There are many reasons to quit, not least because smoking is both dangerous and expensive.

But, quitting can be difficult. To succeed requires motivation, perseverance and good aids. With a nicotine drug you increase your chances of completing the process and succeeding. It is completely possible. The world is full of former smokers.

With a large dose of motivation and the right help along the way, you can also become one of them. 💪


Everything about nicotine chewing gum

What is nicotine chewing gum?

Nicotine chewing gum is precisely what it sounds like – chewing gum that contains nicotine. You use the chewing gum to dampen cigarette cravings and combat abstinence related problems. There are two different strengths and many different flavours, which makes it easy to find a type that suits you.

How does nicotine chewing gum work?

When you chew the chewing gum nicotine is released. The nicotine is absorbed in the mucous membranes in your mouth and reaches your blood, thus causing the abstinence problems and the cigarette cravings to subside.

This is what to do:

  • Begin chewing – the flavour will soon be intense
  • Stop chewing and keep the chewing gum still in the side of the mouth. The flavour becomes less intense and the nicotine is absorbed via the mucous membrane in the mouth
  • Begin chewing again and repeat the process for about 30 minutes

You control the nicotine uptake through your chewing. If you chew a lot, then more nicotine will be released. You then risk swallowing the nicotine instead of the body absorbing it via the mucous membranes in the mouth. This is not dangerous, but it may cause the nicotine to feel strong in the throat and you will not get the effect you need to dampen the cigarette craving. Always ensure that you use the chewing gum as per the steps above.

Where can I buy nicotine chewing gum?

The nicotine chewing gum is an over-the-counter drug and can be purchased at the pharmacy, in grocery stores and via the internet. Remember that nicotine drugs have an age limit of 18 years.

What advantages and disadvantages are there with nicotine chewing gum?

For some, nicotine chewing gum can be a perfect method for keeping cigarette cravings in check. Some have been help from other types of nicotine drugs.

Some advantages with nicotine chewing gum can include:

  • Fresh taste in many different varieties
  • Easy to use
  • The possibility to self-regulate the release of nicotine through chewing
  • Stimulates your mouth

Some disadvantages with nicotine chewing gum can include:

  • Uncomfortable if you have problems with your teeth
  • Some side effects, such as irritated throat and heartburn
  • A residual product you must throw away
  • Can have a laxative effect

Are you unsure whether nicotine chewing gum suits you? Buy a smaller package and try it. If it feels uncomfortable or if it does not give you the desired results, then you should remember that there are many other nicotine drugs, such as nicotine spray and nicotine pouches. The chances are good that you will find something that suits your specific needs.

What does nicotine chewing gum contain?

The active substance in nicotine chewing gum is, of course, nicotine. The nicotine is released when you chew and absorbed by your mucous membranes. Sometimes, the chewing gum can also contain sorbitol. This is a type of sugar found in nature, such as in apples and other fruits and berries. Sorbitol is used as a sweetener and contributes to the flavour of the chewing gum, but sorbitol can have a laxative effect if you ingest too much of it.

Does nicotine chewing gum have any side effects?

We are all different and different people can react to different things. Nicotine chewing gum has a number of known side effects that can occur. If the chewing gum gives you more problems than help, then you can test other types of nicotine drugs.

Examples of common side effects with nicotine chewing gum:

  • Nausea
  • Sore throat
  • Diarrhoea
  • Cough
  • Hick-ups
  • Oral problems
  • Belching
  • Tiredness
  • Headache

Is nicotine chewing gum bad for the teeth?

Teeth can become irritated by chewing nicotine chewing gum. But, compared to the effects of cigarettes on discolouration and tooth loss, chewing gum is a much better alternative.

How much nicotine does nicotine chewing gum contain?

Nicotine chewing gum is available in different strengths, which means that you can find a dose that works for you.

Common strengths are:

  • 2 mg
  • 4 mg

Because there are both stronger and weaker variants, you have the opportunity to remain at a reasonable level in order to handle your abstinence problems. The larger your daily tobacco intake is, the stronger the chewing gum you should begin with.

If you smoke less or are on the way to decreasing the amount you smoke, then 2 mg chewing gum should be enough to keep the cigarette cravings in check. But if you are a heavy smoker then you will benefit more from a stronger chewing gum.

How long should I use nicotine chewing gum?

The period you use nicotine chewing gum is different for everyone, because everyone’s tobacco dependency is different. Some can come out the other side and be nicotine-free quite quickly, while others have a much tougher process. The recommended treatment period is approx. 3 months.

Normally 8 to 12 pieces of chewing gum per day is a good dose, regardless of the nicotine content in the chewing gum. The upper limit is approximately a maximum of 24 pieces of chewing gum per day. When you cut down, you can e.g., switch to the weaker chewing gum so that in time you can completely wean yourself off chewing gum.

Try to quit smoking gradually. Long-term use of nicotine chewing gum, for over one year, is not recommended.

Tip 1. Keep in mind that in the beginning it is important not to take a dose that is too low. Underdosing reduces your chances of becoming smoke-free.

Tip 2. Do you feel that you are ready to quit using nicotine chewing gum and have overcome the problems with abstinence? Good! But if you have any chewing gum left in the package, it is a good idea to keep it. Even if you are smoke-free and are completely weaned off of tobacco, it is a wise idea to have chewing gum available – cigarette cravings can be triggered by different situations and occur when you least expect it. When this happens, having the ability to combat cravings reduces the risks of you lighting a cigarette!

How do I know whether nicotine chewing gum suits me?

If you regularly use chewing gum, then nicotine chewing gum can be easy for you to get used to. In that case, it won’t feel foreign or strange to chew chewing gum. It also suits those who think it is difficult to break the habit of having something in their mouth. Many smokers think that the mental, habitual aspects of smoking are just as difficult to bread as the physical nicotine cravings.

The chewing method also makes it possible to self-regulate the amount of nicotine released, which is not possible to do with e.g., nicotine patches.

The chewing gum is also easy to use. It is easy to take along in a handbag or pocket. It is secure for you to know that you have the chewing gum to hands when tobacco cravings start bothering you.

The only wat to know whether nicotine chewing gum is a good alternative for you is to try it.

  • You don’t receive the desired effect?
  • You think it doesn’t taste good?
  • Chewing it is difficult?

Well, there are many other aids available. Ask your doctor or at the pharmacy, it doesn’t need to be more difficult to quit smoking than it already is.

I swallowed my nicotine chewing gum! Is this dangerous?

No, swallowing a piece of nicotine chewing gum doesn’t entail any specific health risks. 😊 The chewing gum is designed to be used in the mouth and is adapted so that the mucous membranes in your mouth absorb the nicotine. If the chewing gum ends up in your stomach, the nicotine remains in the chewing gum, but you will not get much help with the abstinence problems.

Can I use nicotine chewing gum when I am pregnant?

Nicotine is harmful to the foetus. If you are pregnant, then you should choose other non-nicotine based methods to become smoke-free. The nicotine in the mother’s blood is transferred to the foetus and can also affect the blood supply to the placenta and uterus, which in itself can very negatively impact the foetus’ growth or contribute to a premature birth.

Nicotine also ends up in the breast milk, you should completely avoid nicotine and tobacco when you breastfeed.

Speak with healthcare staff if you are pregnant and need to stop smoking.

Nicotine gum and children

Children should not ingest nicotine, it is a poison and children are extremely sensitive. Nicotine chewing gum must always be stored out of the reach of children, not least, because it tastes good.