Quit smoking – Benefits to you and your surroundings

Are you thinking about quitting or cutting back on your smoking? Here we list several positive things that can boost your motivation. You can also find tips that will help you along the way.

Remember that it’s never too late to quit smoking. Don’t forget each sub-goal, every cigarette you choose not to smoke is a victory! The body’s ability to heal is so much faster than perhaps you might know. Once you have decided to quit you can look forward to many positive effects.


11 Fantastic advantages with quitting smoking

1. Sharper sense of smell and taste

Tobacco dampens the ability to sense smells and flavours. After just a few smoke-free days you will rediscover numerous taste sensations. Food and drink will taste better! You might even discover that something you thought tasted quite boring now becomes a new favourite. 🥗

Tip: When you have been smoke-free for 48 hours, treat yourself to a very good meal. Perhaps you should try out a restaurant you have been curious about for a long time, or try flavourful food again with your new sense of taste. You will be astonished!

2. A hotter sex life

One major advantage with quitting smoking that many appreciate is that their sex life become better. This applies to both men and women, particularly if you are slightly older. Smoking has been proven to have a negative effect on both sexual drive and pleasure. If you are thinking about having children then smoking is a bad combination. Smoking negatively affects both the male and female reproductive organs, which can make it more difficult to become pregnant and can later affect the baby’s health.

Tip: Be honest with yourself and see how it feels when you refrain from smoking.

3. The skin feels better

Tobacco has numerous unhealthy substances that contaminate the skin and give it a matte, slightly greyish tone. When you smoke the skin’s production of collagen decreases. This makes your skin become less elastic. Once you quit smoking you will notice how the skin becomes more supple and has a nicer glow. 💎

Tip: Help your skin recover. Clean, exfoliate and massage. Use face masks, creams and serum. Visible results when you look in the mirror can support you in your decision to quit.

4. Fresher mouth

Smoking is tough on the mouth, the teeth and the gum.

When cigarettes are out of the picture your breath will be fresher and it will be easier to take care of discoloured teeth. When you smoke, it is easy to miss inflammation in the gums. The blood circulation is worse for smokers, which can cause the gums to look better than they actually are.

When you quit smoking the gums may feel sensitive and even bleed when you brush your teeth. This is a sign that your dental health has not been taken care of previously.

Tip: Brush your teeth often.. Use dental floss. Use toothpaste that gently removes stains without bleaching the teeth. Book a time with the dentist and fix your teeth. A new smile may also help you to stay motivated. 😁

5. The blood circulation is improved

Your blood circulation improves! Sometimes this can already be noticed just 2 weeks after you have given up smoking. When the blood can transport oxygen more effectively through the body, you will be able to recover more quickly from exercise, healing or operations.

Tip: Begin exercising or get moving when you quit smoking so that you get started with a new daily routine. 🚴‍♀️ It is important to create new habits that do not include smoking. Start small and increase over time. Exercise helps your blood circulation, but above all your physical and mental strength!

6. Blood pressure goes down

Smoking can increase the blood pressure and increase your pulse. One major advantage with quitting smoking is that the blood pressure goes down to a more normal level. Blood pressure is a bit tricky and there isn’t one truth that suits everyone. But a lower blood pressure is regarded as reducing the risk of diseases such as stroke, heart attack and heart failure.

Tip: There are several simple ways to naturally lower the blood pressure. Slow, deep breaths reduce the stress in the body, try yoga or medication, or set aside time for calm activities, such as reading a book. 📖

7. Snore less

Smoking causes the mucous membranes to swell, thus contributing to snoring. This can affect how well you or those around you sleep. Poor sleep quality entails both mental and physical risks.

Tip: If your snoring affects someone in your presence, check with them whether any change has occurred after you stopped smoking. If they sleep better because you no longer snore, then this can be a strong motivator to continue quitting smoking.

8. The immune system is strengthened

When you choose not to smoke cigarettes your immune system is also strengthened. Then it becomes easier for the body to resist colds and other diseases.

Tip: Take the opportunity to strengthen your immune defence further by eating foods rick in vitamin C, rich in vitamin E, such as nuts and whole grains, foods rich in zinc, such as turkey and crab, foods rich in selenium, such as chicken, eggs and tuna. 🥗

9. The lung capacity increases

One important quit smoking advantage is that breathing feels easier. You will already feel how your lung capacity improves after a couple weeks. This means that you will find it easier to move and participate in physical activities in a way that you might have avoided before.

Tip: Breathe with deep relaxed breaths. As your lungs recover you will begin to notice the difference. When you notice improvements there are no obstacles to increasing your physical activities.

10. Cough less

When you quit smoking you may cough a lot in the beginning. This type of cough is actually a very good sign that your lungs are on their way to recovering. You can be calm, it won’t last very long. 😊

Tip: Warm water can relieve irritation in the throat that can occur because of the cough.

11. Less risk of cancer

The risk of suffering from cancer decreases after you quit smoking, no matter whether you quit smoking earlier or later. One cigarette produces thousands of different substances, many with severely harmful effects on your body. It isn’t just you who risks getting cancer, the risk also increases for those around you who breathe in the smoke.

Tip: It is difficult to quit smoking, but there are huge benefits from doing so. By quitting smoking you protect the people around you. You inhale one fourth of the smoke. The rest goes out into your surroundings and turns others into passive smokers. Seek out support from friends and family, everyone benefits when the smoking stops. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

How many people want to quit smoking?

According to the Public Health Agency of Sweden, approximately 7 percent of the Swedish population between 16-84 years of age smokes every day. The percentage of smokers has decreased in recent years. It is difficult to estimate how many have tried to quit or want to quit.

Are there any advantages to smoking?

The short answer is no. The smoke from cigarettes contains many toxic substances that can seriously harm a person’s health.

What advantages are there with quitting smoking?

There are many advantages associated with quitting smoking. Not smoking is likely one of the best things that you as a smoker can do for your health.

  • Blood pressure and pulse return to a normal level
  • The risk of a heart attack decreases
  • The risk of cancer decreases
  • The risk of blood clots decreases
  • Your sex life can improve
  • Oral health becomes better
  • You protect your surroundings
  • The skin improves
  • Sharper sense of smell and taste

Why do people start smoking? | Why do people start smoking?

There are many answers to the question. Often people start smoking at a young age and want to feel like adults. It can be about searching for one’s identity. The question why people continue to smoke despite it being dangerous is because cigarettes are highly addictive.

Why is smoking dangerous?

You inhale numerous toxic substances that can severely harm your health. In the same way, you risk harming your surroundings through passive smoking. Smoking entails:

  • Increased blood pressure and higher pulse
  • Increased risk of a heart attack
  • Increased risk of cancer
  • Increased risk of blood clots
  • Poorer sex life
  • It can be more difficult to become pregnant
  • Oral health becomes worse
  • Subject surroundings to passive smoking
  • Smoker’s cough
  • The skin is worsened
  • Poorer sense of smell and taste