Quit smoking with nicotine lozenges

Do you find it difficult to decide which quit smoking aid to use? That’s understandable. There are a range of nicotine replacement products available today. The nicotine lozenge – a nicotine lozenge – is one of the newer products. With its pleasant, fresh, mint flavour and its good effect on withdrawal symptoms, it has quickly become a popular alternative.

The tablets provide great support, even if you’re not quitting completely, but only cutting down on the number of cigarettes you’re smoking. Each cigarette you don’t smoke is a great effort and an achievement to be really proud of.

Do you sometimes find yourself in a situation where you’re not allowed, or able, to smoke? That’s when the nicotine lozenge comes in really handy.


All about nicotine lozenges

What is a nicotine lozenge?

The tablets are similar to normal lozenges. The difference is that they contain nicotine and thus help you to control your tobacco cravings, instead of soothing a sore throat. They also have a milder mint flavour than normal lozenges.

Nicotine lozenges come in two different strengths. Choose the strength that is best for you in your efforts to quit smoking.

Where can I buy nicotine lozenges?

You find the tablets in pharmacies, in grocery stores and online. The tablets have a nice flavour and are popular amongst people who want to quit smoking. You must be at least 18 years old to purchase nicotine lozenges.

How do nicotine lozenges work?

It’s both easy and effective to use nicotine lozenges when fighting the urge to smoke. Be prepared for when you feel the tobacco cravings, by keeping a packet in your pocket or handbag.

  • Take a nicotine lozenge when you feel the urge to smoke
  • Place the tablet in your mouth
  • Use your tongue to move the tablet around your mouth occasionally
  • The tablet will dissolve after 10 – 15 minutes
  • The tobacco cravings have faded off

Why specifically opt for nicotine lozenges?

Simple. Good taste. Discreet. That’s a good description of nicotine lozenges. When you start to feel the tobacco cravings you want to be able to control them. Having a nicotine lozenge at hand is a great support. Take a tablet and it doesn’t take long to fight off the withdrawal symptoms.

The tablets are a good alternative if you don’t like chewing gum. Perhaps you have sensitive teeth or don’t like having to discard used gums.

Do you like fresh flavours? The nicotine lozenges will work just perfectly for you.

How many nicotine lozenges do I need to take, and how often?

Smoking habits and tobacco cravings are different for different people. Therefore, you need to work out how many nicotine lozenges you need to take.

The following can be a useful guide:

  • 1 tablet every 1-2 hours
  • 8 to 12 tablets daily is normally a sufficient dose

If you use the 2mg tablets, take no more than 24 tablets per day. If you prefer the stronger 4mg tablets, then the recommendation is to take no more than 15 tablets per day.

Once you feel you can control the tobacco cravings, you can start cutting down on the number of tablets per day.

Pros and cons of nicotine lozenges?

Everything doesn’t work for everyone. There are both pros and cons of nicotine lozenges, as there are with other nicotine replacement therapies (link). Always consider yourself and your needs. Quitting smoking is not easy and you shouldn’t have to struggle with replacement products that don’t work for you. Nicotine aids are meant to help you!

Pros of nicotine lozenges:

  • Discreet and easy to take – much like a normal soothing tablet!
  • Pleasant and fresh flavour!
  • Different strengths for different needs
  • Affordable
  • Stimulates the mouth – an important factor for anyone who’s trying to quit smoking

Cons of nicotine lozenges:

  • The nicotine can cause throat irritations
  • Acidic beverages consumed within 15 minutes prior to taking a tablet may reduce the absorption and effect.
  • Can be laxative

What are the ingredients in nicotine lozenges?

Nicotine is the critical main ingredient in nicotine lozenges. It is nicotine that provides the active effect and helps you fight the tobacco cravings.

Other ingredients include:

  • Isomalt (sugar alcohol)
  • Maltitol (sugar alcohol)

Some people can be hypersensitive or allergic to certain sugars. If you suspect you react badly to those sugars, then you should consult your doctor before you try nicotine lozenges.

The sugars are naturally produced from corn and wheat and are not harmful for your teeth. The calorie content is also low – only about 5 kcal per tablet.

What are the side effects of nicotine lozenges?

As with other nicotine replacement therapies, nicotine lozenges may in some cases cause side effects. They will pass but can obviously be unpleasant. Use nicotine lozenges with care and always carefully read the packet leaflet.

Common side effects of nicotine lozenges:

  • Sore throat
  • Heartburn/acidic reflux
  • Nausea
  • Indigestion
  • Hiccups

Consult your doctor, nurse or pharmacist if you have problems with side effects and need help to find alternatives that work better for you.

How much nicotine do the tablets contain?

  • tablets containing 2mg nicotine
  • tablets containing 4mg nicotine

The urge to smoke can be more or less intense. That’s why nicotine lozenges come in different strengths. Different strength tables make it easier to go through the cut down process. Try the 2mg tablets first. If you still feel an urge to smoke, take a stronger tablet next time and then cut down.

Nicotine lozenges come in different package sizes – small and large. There are 12 and 72 tablet packages, allowing you to control the intake yourself.

How strong are the nicotine lozenges compared to cigarettes and snus?

The strongest tablets are weaker than cigarettes. A standard cigarette contains about 12mg nicotine, a snus portion about 8mg, and then there are both stronger and weaker cigarettes and snus varieties.

Oops! I accidentally swallowed the nicotine lozenge. Is it harmful

Don’t panic! There is no harm in swallowing a nicotine lozenge. The only issue is that nicotine is not as well absorbed through the stomach as through the lining of the mouth. The effect is both lower and slower.

Allow the tablet to dissolve completely. Some of the effect will be lost if you chew or swallow the tablet.

Nicotine lozenges and pregnancy

You should avoid tobacco and nicotine completely when you are pregnant. This includes nicotine lozenges. The baby can be harmed by the adverse effect nicotine has on the blood supply to the placenta and uterus. Smoking during pregnancy can also lead to premature birth and low birth weight.

When you are pregnant, it’s better to try and quit smoking without nicotine replacement products. If you use tobacco or nicotine products when you breastfeed, there is a real risk nicotine will pass through the breast milk to your baby and cause harm.

Ask your doctor or midwife about nicotine-free methods to cut down your cigarette consumption. You can also contact one of the quit smoking organisations for support and tips.

Nicotine lozenges and children

Always keep nicotine lozenges away from children.

So, what may happen if a child ingests a nicotine lozenge? Nicotine is a toxin which children are particularly sensitive to. A normal dose for an adult can be seriously harmful for a child. Nicotine poisoning in children may lead to:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness

If you suspect your child has ingested a nicotine lozenge, you should immediately contact a poison information centre. Try to rinse the child’s mouth with something acidic, e.g. orange juice. This impedes the absorption of nicotine through the lining of the mouth.

If your child is showing nicotine poisoning symptoms, immediately call a poison information centre and/or a health clinic.

Effective and safe treatment with nicotine lozenges

Always read the packet leaflet carefully before using Zonnic nicotine lozenges. It is important to follow the recommended treatment dosage to get the desired effect. Both too high and too low dosages will adversely impact the outcome.

Quit smoking tips

To completely say goodbye to cigarettes is not easy. Nicotine replacement therapies, such as nicotine lozenges, are great aids along the journey – but they are no miracle solution. To be successful, one may need a few other strategies and lifestyle changes.

A great starting point is to list the benefits of being tobacco free. Ask yourself: What improvements will I experience if I quit? You can, for example, look forward to:

  • Better health!
  • We have all heard about the damaging effects of smoking. COPD, lung cancer, other cancers, cardiovascular diseases and oral diseases are all diseases that smokers are at greater risk of attracting.
  • Improved breathing! Smoking has a very severe effect on your lung capacity. When you quit, you will very quickly notice a huge improvement.
  • Improved sense of smell and taste! The chemicals in cigarette smoke trick your taste buds. When you become tobacco free, food will taste better, and you will notice smells you haven’t noticed for a long time.
  • Bursting wallet! Cigarettes and tobacco are expensive. Do you smoke a packet each day? That’s about EUR 2,000 a year! There is a lot more fun to be had with that amount of money!
  • Beautiful smile and fresh breath! Tobacco smoke discolours the teeth and leads to bad breath.

Avoid triggers

Having a clear understanding of the motivating factors makes it easier to manage the struggles. Have a think of what it is that triggers your tobacco cravings. Is it certain situations, beverages, or something else that makes your brain associate smoking? If you know the triggers, then it’s easier to avoid them and better control the urge to smoke.

It’s a good idea to keep some nicotine replacement products within reach if you get into a situation that triggers the cravings. Keep a nicotine lozenge in your pocket and feel confident you can handle most situations without risking giving in to that tempting cigarette.

Having routines increases the chances

Having clear routines can also be a way of finding strength in the fight against smoking. Try to establish regular routines in terms of diet, exercise and sleep, and combine this with a nicotine replacement product, and you are much better equipped to manage pitfalls and sudden attacks of tobacco cravings. Find more tips on how to quit smoking here.